
Libraried - SwiftUI Components in Action

View the Project on GitHub SwiftDevStudent/Swiftdev.dev


SwiftUI Components

When a learning a new language it can be hard to understand how and why things work. Libraried is here to help overcome that. With an ever growing list of SwiftUl components it couldn’t be easier to get started.

This app is for Developers, Designers, and anyone who is curious about SwiftUI.


With components that are fully customizable using native SwiftUI modifiers you can select an option in a view and watch the code change dynamically to better understand how SwiftUI works

DESIGNER HANDBOOK As designers we like details, especially little details like should the font be “Ultra Thin” or just “Thin”. Find the view that you want, and see all the options that are there. Oh, and you can ignore that little area on the bottom of the screen (that’s for the people that talk to their computer)

COPY THE CODE Honestly, if you can’t copy the code, is it even there?

So whether you’re a Developer or a Designer copying code will definitely come in handy.

SwiftUI is a trademark of Apple Inc.

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